I think you misread my post... My bionic is not being recognized by RSDlite, as in nothing shows up in slot 1.
Also, I think you should edit the following information into option#1, as your instructions are not clear for a new user as myself.
*You can use OTA rootkeeper to ensure you dont lost root
1. Install safestrap 3.11 if you haven't already (be sure to install recovery by opening up the app!)
Copy or Move the unzipped Folder to your Backups....(Ex). Sdcard-Ext/TWRP/Backup <-That isn't the location.... below is:
And put the there, so the full path is Sdcard-Ext/TWRP/BACKUPS/stock-STOCK-BIONIC-ICS...
*Sdcard-Ext should show up as removable disk as default when plugged into a computer. backups is in all caps
*If nothing shows up under the recover option:* to find your backup location, power off phone after installing safestrap and recovery, then go into backup and perform a backup. Then find where safe stap put that file
*Edit: I booted up my dinosaur desktop and my phone was discovered by it... must be something with my laptop not wanting to work with RSDlite. If anyone else is having problems on a laptop, im on a dell xps 15, usb 3.0, windows 8 64 bit