chick droid user here, as well. the phone that i used before getting the droid didn't have bluetooth but i didnt care. i couldnt make phone calls and send took me a while...but i gotter done. I wanted a droid because I am a consumer whore. i was interested in the i dont/droid does intro. then the bucket of bones came out and that was it for me. i LOVE this phone.
this phone has so many tools to keep my stuff straight. and as soon as i quit playin with that fart app, i am gonna start doing some of the aforementioned straightened stuff.
i want to take my phone to vermont and marry it. i loooove it!
and i look down my noise at those men who have smart phones that arent droids.
Now now...please resist the temptation to become a phone snob...:motdroidvert: