Sapphire doesn't enable you to move ALL apps to the sd card, but only those who support it through the app itself. If the developer of an app doesn't support apps 2 sd with their app, then their is probably a good reason for it and that you should just leave said app on the phones internal memory.
BAHHHHH, what do they know?Titanium Backup allows you to move any app you want to the SD card. However, not so tongue in cheek, there are often very valid reasons for not doing this. Least of which is if you're using it as a widget. Or it's doing a lot of updates. But I've successfully moved a few apps that didn't allow it and had no problems with them. Just know what you're doing if you go that route.
I totally forgot you could force apps to sd with Titanium Backup, you saved me. I was on CM and had moved a lot of my big games to SD but many of them don't normally support it. When I switched to Sapphire my market was redownloading everything and partway through my phone was full and like 20 installs failed. I was worried I would just have to uninstall some extra apps or go back to CM because I couldn't move the big games over and then I cam here and saw your post and rememberd the wonders of Ti Backup. I am so happy now with Sapphire up and running with all my apps reinstalled, now I just need to pull the cytown phone and wycontacts and everything will be perfect. Thanks!
Glad I could help! Enjoy Sapphire!!