Thanks man, I'll try this and see if it works. I tried it earlier and thought it was doing something but now I want to make sure it wasn't a placebo affect since others say it shouldn't really help with battery life. Thanks for the tip regardless.I've been having the common issue of "my phone is dying after six hours of standby time" ever since I got my DX. After searching and searching through the forums, the best I could find is "use an app killer" and "the battery won't last long because the screen is so big."
This contradicted everything else I'd read about the phone before I even purchased it, that the battery life was one of the main reasons to consider the DX. I felt like I was doing something wrong.
After trying a million different attempts at solving the problem, I finally resorted to calling Verizon. The woman on the phone was polite, and told me they've been receiving tons of calls regarding the same issue. The problem, she said, is that people are leaving their GPS transmitters on and not realizing it. I didn't think that could have possibly been the issue, since I always used an AAK to kill maps when I was done using it. She walked me through a process:
1) Bring up the "Add to Home Screen" menu and select "Android Widgets."
2) Add the "Power Control" widget to your home screen.
3) This will bring up a bar that has five different icons. The middle icon is the GPS transmitter.
At this time, I realized it was left on and I immediately
Ok, in case you didn't get FACEPALM.
So I turned off GPS, and was told to leave the second from the right one on (it controls sync). In addition, to save more power I turned off background data in the data manager under settings.
The widget, obviously, allows one to activate GPS when needed and turn it off when the user is finished.
It's been several hours since I made the change, and all of a sudden, the battery indicator isn't moving!! NOW I'm getting phenomenal battery life out of my DX, and I've uninstalled AAK on top of it.
Just thought I'd share my story with anyone who hasn't tried this and is still having battery life issues. If you already know about it, disregard. Hope this helps someone.
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