Fire 2 Droid 2 boot Animation!


New Member
Jul 19, 2010
Reaction score
In the style of my Droid X "Fire X" boot screen, here is one for the Droid 2 owners.

Here yah go:


[Download Here]

Again, some special thanks to braway at #teamdefuse for pointing out what all I did wrong on these animations! :p
Lol, was on phone an couldn't see the vid. Nice!

But why did you post twice? You could have put these together:)

c]=[k(V)8's Droid X Tapatalk
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Lol, was on phone an couldn't see the vid. Nice!

But why did you post twice? You could have put these together:)

c]=[k(V)8's Droid X Tapatalk

Well they are two different boot animations. Also one is specifically made for the Dx, and the other the D2. I guess I coulda put them together, but I also see no problem with them being apart.

Although... speaking of which, this shouldn't be in the Droid X forums! whoops!

Can a mod move this to the Droid 2 forums please?