Yes sir. lol I did one at 7 at one point, actually it is the Damn Small Linux boot that I am using now.So, you have tried other fps other than 15 and 30? I have not yet attempted anything other than what I've seen in other animations.
Also, I've assumed the zip decompression is too much for the phone to handle along with the image decoding, but do you have any experience with high vs low compression of PNG or JPGs?
Tough question for me as I always use png's converted via fotosizer. I just pulled one up and it is 24bit, 28px per cm.
I've tried to maintain image quality in all of mine, while using JPGs for the better compression. I've worried that the phone may struggle with higher compression though and may prefer higher quality/lower compression images. Any idea if it's worth considering?
At this point if I were you I would punt and make a real simple one at the resolution/compression you want. I am like you, I still think there is something going on with the jpeg compression that is making it black screen.
That being said, I have always sequenced my filenames from filename000.png to filename[xxx].png; that maybe something to look at, see if you have a number missing/etc.
The only time I have ever had a black screen was with the 7zip compression set to Normal instead of Store.