Forgive me if I'm being stupid or naive, but couldn't one just go to amazonwireless, or wirefly or the wal-mart wireless site, get the phone for $20 or something and sign for a 2 year extension? The store would have no idea, and all it would do is reset your contract to two years. Seems like a no-brainer, but maybe I'm missing something.
UPDATE: Just went and looked at Amazon's ($69 w/ contract renewal) and Wal-mart's ($19.99 w/contract renewal), and while I didn't go through the whole ordering process, nothing says that you have to be at the end of your contract to purchase. In fact, when I bought my wife's and mine through Amazon, I don't remember any part of it asking if I was up for renewal, and I know that the Amazon one will let you just continue your existing plan (obviously you'd have to add the data plan), I don't know about Wally World. Just my 2 cents