Earlier in this thread there is a video of drop tests with the N2 and it fares much better than I would have expected.
I guess I'm of mixed opinion on the insurance issue. They are really only good for the first year, or perhaps less than that. After that you start getting other phones as replacements and you've payed enough into it to buy a decent phone. But then again, if something happens to your N2....
As I said I'm not a believer in the insurance either. I did see the drop test but also saw another one somewhere on this board that showed someone drop a Note 2 from their lap while sitting in a car with the door open and onto the street. The screen cracked. The Note is surprisingly thin and just didn't seem to me to have much top protect that huge expanse of glass. After seeing it, I'm surprised it survived the drop test shown in the video you're referring to. I'd either drop the insurance after a year or buy the square trade insurance which is one payment of I think $125 for 2 years of coverage rather than the monthly billed VZW Assurian insurance.