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GB official release?

U can sbf back to stock. And bricking doesn't happen now adays if u do everything right. Have u ever even used a rooted romed Droid?

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums

I rooted and ROM'd my OG Droid with several different ones (Team Black Hat, and others). Got bored with the constant resets due to instability of the ROM's. I went back to stock right before I got my Droid X. My Droid X out of the box blew away everything that was ever on my OG Droid.

I don't see the need to deal with the instability of "adjusted themes" since there is no real ROM's for the Droid X due to the locked boot loader. It runs great stock, and I prefer to leave it that way.

This does not make me stupid as you suggested in your prior post, it makes me content with my device as it is. I have MUCH better things to do with my time than dorking around with different theme's and constant issues because of those theme's.

I agree with you. I had gb on for a week and love it. Not using it now do to every time I rebooted it my phone become unusible. Now im on rubix blury 2.2. When gb does come out no more roms for me. People just think that everyone should be on a rom. Android is by far the best os out. And you can do so much with it on stock rom. So its a little slower and you cant change the notification bar. Now if your rooted you can add themes and through metamorph you can change the notification bar. So you really don't need to add roms. Now im not bashing roms I think they are good for people who just can stand blurr or htc sence . Then roms are the answer. I think its funny how some people bash other people for just likeing stock . Im going to be good if vz does lock these phones up for being on roms. I hope they don't though.

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I've been very happy with my stock dx. It is kid of out of ignorance that I like it since I've never rooted it and don't know what both sides are like, but this pine has been really good to me, and I never saw any reason to ruin a good thing. From what it sounds like, rooting is nothing but a pain in the android lol. Another reason I don't want to root. I don't feel like dealing with all of those instability problems. Themes and notiication bar changes for all of that trouble? No thanks. I've been able to customize my phone enough to be happy. I'm fine with the bar like it is..

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
reasons to root and rom
~smoother faster phone
~customization, themeing
~undervoltage for better battery life, or overclock for pwnin newbs
~not look like a total tool using stock motoblur. Your no better then an apple user if your a android user running without root/rom.

people i work with have stock droid x's are are too dumb to root/rom and then ***** that apple makes a way better product with the iphone
i tell them to go get an iphone because they are obviously idiots.

Are you kidding me? If you are that insecure about how your phone, or for that matter other peoples phones look, then you've got serious problems! I've flashed many or pretty much all the roms/leaks out there and there really isn't THAT much of a difference in speed and battery. I'm sure there is for some people but usually it is a give and take. Maybe a little better battery but HDMI doesn't work, messaging problems etc. etc. Don't sit there and call people "tools" for not wanting to run the risk of voiding there warranties and bricking there phones for the sake of looking cool.
Back on topic...

Do some research before rooting and romming. Its not for everyone. Official gingerbread should be out in a month or so.

I agree everyone should read this, but I still disagree with the point of the thing. It's basically one big reason for newbs to not learn their phones inside and out. I think everyone should learn as much as possible about them. The more people who get into it, the more the pool grows for possible new developers. The carriers will always try to have as much control over phones on their network as possible. Its how they make money. Manufacturers will always submit to the will of the companies that distribute their products. Besides, there is no doubt that this was the direction that Android was going to take. Why not take advantage of the nicities of the system if you want while we still have them.

If you want lower prices and more features from your carriers, the only thing that can be done is to break the unions they are in bed with. Their legacy costs are insane and the prime reason rates are so high as it is. If you don't believe that, look who got exceptions from obama care, and boat loads of stimulus money. If the companies didn't have this sort of overhead, they wouldn't care less if you tether or watch tv on it all day for the prices we pay now.
reasons to root and rom
~smoother faster phone
~customization, themeing
~undervoltage for better battery life, or overclock for pwnin newbs
~not look like a total tool using stock motoblur. Your no better then an apple user if your a android user running without root/rom.

people i work with have stock droid x's are are too dumb to root/rom and then ***** that apple makes a way better product with the iphone
i tell them to go get an iphone because they are obviously idiots.

Can you guarantee that all ROMs out there have no bugs and have less problems than sense/blur?

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
Thanks! I sure hope so. I'm happy to wait a month to have a better version if android, especially GB and not have to deal with bull**** problems that come with rooting. This is just my opinion, but I don't think rooting a phne is worth it if you have to deal with that many prolems with things not working, etc

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
Guys, the "official" GB was released last week. It just came out early for people who know their roots! Don't be scared by the negative press of rooting. It's not going anywhere and my phone has been running fine since I decided to root it! You're also missing out on GB which is by far the best ROM to date! Let your balls hang, dammit!!!

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Not sure if this is where I should post thus as I was weary to root cuz I thought the stock rom was great with launcher pro, and it is. But I did just root and opens up my phone to a whole new World of possibilities. You don't have To do anything else if you don't want, I did however decide to patch for tethering and too cool. So rooting is great. My question is though, can I do ota updates. Can I do the ota gb when it comes out? Thanks.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
Not sure if this is where I should post thus as I was weary to root cuz I thought the stock rom was great with launcher pro, and it is. But I did just root and opens up my phone to a whole new World of possibilities. You don't have To do anything else if you don't want, I did however decide to patch for tethering and too cool. So rooting is great. My question is though, can I do ota updates. Can I do the ota gb when it comes out? Thanks.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums

Yes, you can receive ota updates if all you did was root. I had my phone rooted before the update on october 28th, I received it just fine, it removed my root though. I just had to re root using the same method.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Great to know as far as the ota. And just re root with z4root if my root is gone? And what if I do the tbh rooted gb update? Will I still get ota? Thanks for knowing. Ans sorry for asking more. But knowledge is power and I'm trying to get more out of an already great phone. And so major question, if I update to tbh rooted gb on top of my rooted stock rom can I do future otas?

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
just to stay safe learn how to SBF your DX. google or this site alone will provide all that info. In all reality though no one really knows if you will be able to get the new ota.....its not really here yet. I will say the new GB leak is like a new phone though. Between adw ex, and the blurhome appdrawer, my phone finally handles my live wallpaper and see thru apps without any lag.

I would say give the new leak a shot, just do your reading before hand and make sure your phone can communicate with the tools you will need for doing an SBF

just an FYI but the tethering thing has gotten some serious attention lately and it is not advised to use it