Getting into clockwork


Mar 24, 2011
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Hey guys I had my d2g take a **** on me week or so ago and had to sbf... so now I am trying to learn some info to keep from having to again in future.

So I read on the x forums about ways to get into clockwork to restore a backup from sd card when phone wont go past motorola symbol or bootloops.

Anyone know how can boot into d2 bootstrapper recovery (clockwork) directly when powering on?

sent from my angelic droid 2 global using DF app.
Correctly times battery pull, or(this workd on my d2 idk bout global), plug ur phone into wall charger for a minute and then pull out the battery w it still plugged in, should go into bootstrap...
Alt-Shift-Del will reboot the phone from any state.

Sent from my White DROID 2 GLOBAL.
Pulling the battery at the android bootscreen (not the M logo) always gets it to Clockwork for me.