Wonder if the DroidX will ever see this update. The DX specs will run it just fine, but will verizon update it or not since it is at the 'bottom' of the spectrum for the specs.
I don't see why it wouldn't. Here's my take on this...the Droid X only got 2.2 last because, well, it was the last of the devices released that got the update. VZW went in order of phone releases, slightly straying due to the Droid 2 release.
Droid 1 was released first, got 2.2 first.
Droid 2 was being released during the 2.2 frenzy so I guess they went ahead and released the phone with 2.2 on it.
Droid Incredible was 2nd released, so it go the next round of 2.2
Droid X was released 3rd, so it got the last round.
I predict they'll go in proper order for 3.0: D1 and DInc (if eligible...don't see why not), then DX, then D2.
And yeah...even though they claim 3.0 will start being available at the end of October, I doubt Verizon devices will see it before the end of the year. I predict February at the earliest.