But Google already discontinue Nexus One then how it come with G1????Thanks Wen, nice report. Too bad it's an "insider" commentary rather than a confirmed story, but I'll take my Gingerbread (or is it "Garlic"?) any way I can get it!
I am assuming that rooted users who overclock will have a better experience?
Definitely good news, as far as creating a consistent user experience (I don't mind optional UI skins). But does "integrated into the core" mean that modded themes will be a problem?
Completely, totally, not gonna happen. After our experiences with Eclair and Froyo, who really thinks anything is coming end of October? OK, let me restate: Google will RELEASE source in October, but no phone manufacturer (OH, and don't forget the carrier!) will have it ready before XMAS. Just being realistic here.
Well, the Nexus One will see 3.0 first since it is Google's dev phone.
You can still buy the N1 at Google's dev site and 3rd party retail stores for TMO.