In regards to moving your phone number off this account, you can do an assumption of liability. This is the information I received from Verizon last month when my son on Line C thought he was getting the wrong end of the stick (because I was asking him to contribute towards the bill as he makes a very healthy salary). He thought he would assume responsibility (assumption of liability) for his own line and have his own account. Of course, I was all for this great idea. We got Verizon on the phone to see what would be involved. They said there would be no penalty charges, he would be renewing his contract, surprisingly would be able to keep his unlimited data and would have his own account and his own bill. Only his bill was going to be $80-100 per month compared to the $40 that I was asking him to contribute. Funny, he didn't like that idea. So needless to say, I still have line C on my account I dont want to remove my line. We al want to be done w/verizon. I was just hoping to be done sooner thats all. He has to keep the account for as long as there is an active contract (unless we assume liabilty but that doesnt solve the problem) Honestly I was hoping that his and my contracts ended soon so we could have line C assume liability and be done. But since Mine is the one thats extended now until 2014 we are stuck.
One thing your dad can do is, log online into his account and look at the plan details. It will give the eligible upgrade date for each line and the contract end date for each phone. I do all that for him. He did the upgrade spur of the moment w/out telling me first otherwise we would have avoided this whole mess as I would have just transfered everything to line C and used that. We dont care about line C because when its over we will make the person using that line assume liability. If you wanted to take the earliest contract end date, then all that would be necessary is transfer whichever phone it is that has the earliest contract end date and move it to your line, then when the contract ends you would be able to remove that line from the account without penalty. The problem is its his line that is at the contract end date. Hes been w/his mobile # for like 12-15yrs He doesnt want to lose his # and we cant let line B (mine) lapse so yeah
Does this sound like what everyone else understands?