Should we get rid of all consumer protection laws because that's "hand-holding"?
A wireless carrier is in a position of power because they can rack up charges without you realizing what's going on. The OP's mom was checking the time on her phone and was charged hundreds!
If all she did or he did was log into his account, check his balances once, he would of seen this. Dude seriously, your telling me that its to hard to log into your account now, to send a text? to make a call to your carrier? what more protection do you need? Seriously, where is the abuse?
In a perfect world every consumer would read every ToS and be a smart phone expert. In a perfect world wireless carriers wouldn't abuse their power!
In a perfect world? So in a perfect world, people actually read what they legally are bound by, and are responsible? Its common sense, When you get hired for a job, do you read the contract? When you buy a house do you read the contract? When you get life ins. Do you read the contract? Its really not a hard thing to do, and if it is to hard for you to actually read the rules and fees, maybe you should not have a cell phone.
Sending me a text when my bill starts to build to a crazy level wouldn't cost verizon much. Does anyone think that'd be a heavy burden? I think their system could handle it right now no problem by adding a few lines of code.
Hey, how about instead of being spoon fed, you take it upon yourself. Logging in wouldnt cost you very much, does anyone think logging into your account for 2 minutes every so often is a heavy burden, I think people can handle it right now, no problem, between the time they watch dancing with the stars and 24.