Well if there was a panel of three judges they would overrule you on both Ultra points.
1) We make them snug on purpose - no one wants a case that doesn't fit.
2) When you ordered it you knew it came without a case or holster.
The judges increase the score to 5/5.
As far as the screen protector the panel would like a picture to see if there is some defect. Please email them to scott@dbacases.com and if there is a problem it will be replaced.
1) We make them snug on purpose - no one wants a case that doesn't fit.
2) When you ordered it you knew it came without a case or holster.
The judges increase the score to 5/5.
As far as the screen protector the panel would like a picture to see if there is some defect. Please email them to scott@dbacases.com and if there is a problem it will be replaced.
Sorry for the delayed response. I had a unique situation that required I take some time with the case before I was able to use the screen protector.
To answer your question, I ordered directly from dbacases. If you'd like the review on Amazon I'll be glad to oblige.
When I ordered the Ultra and JLG protector I had just dropped my phone a few days before and the screen had a nice shatter on the corner and some cracks all the way down the phone. Surely I wasn't going to put a screen protector on a phone that was already damaged so I had to wait till I could get a replacement on Insurance. The replacement came in this past Friday.
FWIW I've never owned a case on a phone. I've always felt like they took away from the "beauty" of the screens that phones have these days. So I've used nothing but clips and holsters on my phones and have NEVER dropped a phone that broke the screen. That is until I dropped my week old S3 a foot to the ground while sitting in a chair.
Ultra Case
Take my "experience" with cases for what it is since this is my first ever. But IMO if you want a slender profile with some great protection then this is a good choice. My boss has the Otterbox defender in which I took a look at and I think I made the right choice. Even though the case is somewhat similar it adds a level of difficulty when using the side buttons of the phone. The grip on the sides of the Ultra is also very helpful.
Rank: 4.75 out of 5
I docked .25 for two reasons. In my original phone the case was snug except for the upper left side. To the point where if I grabbed the phone on that side the case would move some. However on my replacement phone there isn't nearly as much give if any at all. The other dock of .25 comes from no clip/holster. Granted that is a personal preference.
Just Like Glass Protector
As I stated above I wasn't going to place this protector on a broken screen. I knew I was going to replace the phone via insurance and wasn't going to waste $10 on a protector. So it sat in a box for a month+. My replacement arrived this past Friday and the first thing I did was add the screen protector. As you know when you buy a new phone they come with the peel off plastic to protect the screen. So I planned on moving that plastic off and immediately placing the JLG on. I followed directions to a T and even watched a couple of YouTube videos to make sure I did the best I could.
Rank: 3 out of 5
The name of the protector nails it. It feels 'Just Like Glass' and is VERY smooth. Transitions from one screen to another seem effortless. Smudges were also something I was worried about but they aren't nearly the problem they were on the stock screen protector VZW sells (was one on my original phone). But I docked two points for the amount of air/bubbles that still reside under the protector and a edge that just WON'T allow the air to escape. I'll gladly bump up the rating if the air does leave but it has been on for over 72 hours with no change so I have my doubts. I really feel like the protector could be great (zero scratches on the protector itself so far) but unfortunately for me it's not boding well at the moment. I may even see if dba would be so kind as to replace.
If anyone has questions, feel free to ask