If you play your cards right and know where to look, you don't have to pay the big bucks for the latest and greatest. I bought a brand new SIII for $400. A used RAZR MAXX is selling for around $400 right now in a lot of places. So, in the end, I won't pay anything to switch. If you do this often enough, and keep an eye out in the right places, it costs very little to keep up with the latest and greatest. Throughout all the phones I've owned, it's averaged out that I've paid about $40 each time I switch. And to me, $40 every 2-3 months to have the latest and greatest is worth it. It's not worth it to many people, and I certainly understand that, but it is to me. In the case of the MAXX, it's held its value better than just about any other smartphone I've had from Verizon.