So you bought the phone because when you use it a lot it dies??? I fail to see that reasoning.
I am 99% certain the droid has a 1300mAH battery, but mine lasts easily 3x longer than my TB did. That's with above-heavy use.... (since I apparently use my phone far more than anyone else)
I'll run my droid dead and screencap the battery usage... it'll be sometime tomorrow though, because the Droid lasts that long.
Can you people please stop comparing any other phone to the Thunderbolt? There is no other phone out there with a 4"+ screen running on a 2nd gen snapdragon processor on the LTE network. Let's wait and get some more comperable comparison devices out there before we can have any urination matches.
Stepping down... :soapbox:
I'm saying i expected this to not last as long as the D1 due to those facts, not saying the TB should be compared to it.