The OLY thing more powerful than the Droid that's coming out in any meaningful amount of time would be the HTC Passion. Is has the fabled "Snapdragon" processor. That'll reduce it's battery life to near nothing. Not enough will buy it because of that. Finally, it won't have a keybaord, which is, lets face it, one of the biggest selling features of the Droid. The Droid is king for a while. At least until June and all networks have the same 4G. Seriousy, be happy. You have the greatest phone on Earth. Maybe except for the Milestone, but that really is the Droid anyway. No phone will for quite a while have a significant amount of power in EVERY category and have EVERY feature. The Droid is here for a while. Finally, hte ONLY thing that could trump it would be the Geek Phone, which is just obscene. Byt that's likely a while off if it ever exists.