i sat here and read every single page on this topic thus far, read every topic on droid-Life pertaining to anything with the DX2 and all i have to say is-
Anyone coming from the original Moto droid is pretty pleased with this phone- I came from a moto droid after almost 2 years (rooting, custom roms, kernals, etc in all)
I loved the huge support for the motorola droid, but it can only last so long. AND i got tired of waiting on the Bionic/Targa/Batman/Superman?Whatever you wanna call it now lol
Pentile display on this phone is not everyones favorite, we all know that, but for my everday use through emails, webpages, and new feeds i dont have a problem with it at all.
I installed launcherproplus to make up for blur although blur actually has quite a few features that i like this time around.
Things like dolphin Browser, Simple Text, Simi Folder, Live backgrounds, etc will help you make your phone look just fine and you'll forget it was even on blur.
Netflix runs on it which im happy about, games play real smooth on this device even all the high end games(i.e. Dungeon Defenders runs superb on the X2)
Waiting for those dual cores to be put to use efficiently man...AND GINGERBREAD, my one problem is that they didnt launch it with gingerbread. dumb move on their part.
I wanna root it but some say gingerbreak formats your memory card and i dont wanna lose any of that stuff or make it a longer process when i just moved everything onto my 32gig sd card.
I also await developer support for this device before i go in on my rooting spree all over again for this X2, bless my Moto Droid =)
Now we play the waiting game. . . .