Jeez look at those screen comparisons. I hope its a software issue and not a hardware one.
I'm glad you contacted him - I did as well early on with a few videos. Hopefully he'll post something up about it.
Problem is, this is the type of screen that Moto has evidently chosen for the near future - Atrix has it, D3 looks like it's going to have it...
Wow, that screen comparison may have just knocked the DX2 out of my list of phone candidates, thanks. Now down to INC2 and Thunderbolt. Thanks!
Pentile is known to use up to 50% less battery than a LCD. Great trade off in my opinion!
@jntdroid it's in the wiki, and pretty much any other website you look about the technology, it's one of their main selling points of the display, the power consumption.
I don't have any problem what so ever with black text on white back ground, it looks perfect. In gmail, tapatalk, where ever. It's crystal clear.
Also it should be noted the OG Nexus One has a pentile display, no one complained about that, most marked it as a feature.
Sent from my DROID X2
@jntdroid it's in the wiki, and pretty much any other website you look about the technology, it's one of their main selling points of the display, the power consumption.
I don't have any problem what so ever with black text on white back ground, it looks perfect. In gmail, tapatalk, where ever. It's crystal clear.
Also it should be noted the OG Nexus One has a pentile display, no one complained about that, most marked it as a feature.
Sent from my DROID X2
@Elkay for me, lowering the brightness doesn't make it "even worse" because in my opinion it's great to begin with.
It's all opinion. The only gradient I see on mine is in the battery icon, which my response is who cares? I didn't buy this for a pretty icon at the top corner that I only glance at to see how much power I have left.
Sent from my DROID X2