I was using Handcent SMS on my Droid X with no problems. Loved the customization of it. When I got my Razr MAXX, I used the stock text messager for a few days and decided that I liked Handcent a lot better, so I downloaded it. Within a few days, I was getting weird text messages from 6250 that said "VXWNMN:X" - where "X" would be a number between 1 -11. I was getting this message every few minutes to every hour, day and night. I eventually had to turn off my notificiations, since it would just "DROID" me constantly. I finally called this a.m. and VZW told me that there was a known conflict between Handcent and the stock messenger and that tech was working on it (at least that's what they SAY). So, I uninstalled Handcent and since then, no strange text messages from 6250. I'll try GoSMS to see if there is a conflict with that program. The stock text messenger is just blah.