My one year anniversary will be tomorrow. 11/7/11.
It was my early birthday present to to my self, by two months to the day. Just like tp76 I knew that this phone would change my life. About two months after getting the phone I started hearing about root, so I started reading. I had been busy for months with work and school. But still I kept reading. July 1 was my root day. About two months of religious reading I came across ChevyNo1's Simply Stunning rom v4.2 it was then that I knew I was going to finally root my phone. I was in Arkansas visiting my grand parrents out in the sticks, low and behold they had 3g coverage there this year

. So I had ben watching root videos for the last two weeks. I had rsd lite ready to go as well as sprecovery. I started up the video I was going to use as my guide, nervous as all get out I continued knowing that with one wrong move in rsd lite and my phone was a glorified brick. Well all went good and in the end I used sprecovery to flash SS 4.2 on to my phone. Woot it worked, boy was I happy. FINALLY I had a phone that I could fully customize, something I had been dreaming of years.
I just used my upgrade which I had for more than a year ???, Not sure how because vzw told me that I did not have an upgrade at the time when I got my droid, to get the droid x. It was four days before my one year anniversary with my droid. I plan on rooting and using bootstrap to get CW running, eventually in stalling SS X by Chevy seeing as I and a few of his loyal fan base raised money to get him an X to develop on. It's.been a great ride and will continue for a long time. By the way my droid still serves as a fantastic wifi device. Its not going anywhere soon.
At this time I would like to thank the admins, supermods, mods, rescue squad, news team, and everyone in the forums for contributing to an awsome online expierence. I am so glad to be a part of this community. Keep up the great work that makes us the best.
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