Kids are drivers' biggest distraction - Car and Car-Buying News - What Car? Mobile
Gmmm..that one seems to agree with me that kids are more distracting
This one.....
Driver Distractions - Don't Be a Statistic
Simply lists out all the main distractions, but doesnt rank them.....hoever, again, kids are there. It does say that other teens being in the car is a distraction for teen drivers leading it to be the number 1 cause of death of that age group.....
So there are your facts...... how about instead of kneejerk laws over texting..... you pressure your lawmakers to make teens riding with teens illegal? Or is that not politically correct enough for ya.....
Again....until you stop transporting your going to use my cell phone as i see fit....
sent from my droid x while driving.....thank you tapatalk for making this possible