'Gorilla Glass' ... is it indestructible?
The Titanic was unsinkable too !!! We all know what happened there !!!
Anything can be broken, scratched, smashed, sunk. It's just some materials are tougher than others. Nothing is indestructible, nothing !!! But there is always going to be something stronger that can do damage.
Now that taken in, I don't use a screen protector either on my DROID, I just apply a small amount of RainX every month or so. Helps make cleaning it easier. And lets my fingers glide across the screen. My first screen protector lasted a week, before I took it off. Never replaced it.
So in my Opinion, the Screen is TOUGH, but it can be damaged. Sand, can destroy just about anything, as can many other materials. So protect your DROIDs, I do Mine. :icon_ devil: