Okay, I am sorry if I am being repeditive but I scanned this thread and could not find some answers so here are my questions:
1) I am not rooted and I did the 2.1 OTA. It started out laggy then after a few app updates the performance of the phone seemed to improve. However, over the last week, the performance has gone down the toliet. I have removed most of my apps, I have done batter pulls and finally did a factory reset and yet my Droid does what it wants. It shuts down, its laggy, I get loud static and screaching when trying to place a call, my screen is not responsive and last night my camera started only taking half pictures. And it is not just my phone, yesterday, my husbands started doing the same thing and he has no downloaded apps. He is as stock as they come. Overall since the 2.1 update, my Droid has sucked. I
2) Yesterday, I downloaded K-9 thinking that may help with some of my issues with the stock email app. I got it downloaded and my emails installed. That seems to be working right, however, I noticed it changed my LED light to Magenta. I have looked and looked and cannot find where I can change it back to green. Does anyone know how to do that?
Okay, there are my questions and rambles. Sorry if this has already been covered, just a bit frustrated at this point.