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Having An Issue With 2.1 - Come In Here

Hi everyone getting accustom to Android version 2.1. In an earlier thread, I pointed out that I did not believe this version was complete. Maybe I was wrong. However, there is a release note on the Motorola support page that seem to indicate that this OTA in not complete. Maybe it is the wording. Here is what it says: DROID by Motorola users will receive a notification to install this update(and will continue to receive these notices periodically until installation is complete). How does that read to you? see attached full release notes.
Hi everyone getting accustom to Android version 2.1. In an earlier thread, I pointed out that I did not believe this version was complete. Maybe I was wrong. However, there is a release note on the Motorola support page that seem to indicate that this OTA in not complete. Maybe it is the wording. Here is what it says: DROID by Motorola users will receive a notification to install this update(and will continue to receive these notices periodically until installation is complete). How does that read to you? see attached full release notes.

I think you're reading too much into that. I think what they mean by continue to receive these update notices means that devices that have not received the update will receive them.

I notice in the list on the PDF file that everything on that list is completed. I don't believe you will see any additional updates to 2.1.
DROID by Motorola users will receive a notification to install this update(and will continue to receive these notices periodically until installation is complete).

Key words "notification to install "this" update"

Thats just saying you will get notifications over and over until you accept the update... or rather per the wording, until you "install" the update.

They should have added a "d" at the end of the word complete. "completed"

But on that note, the update did imply this was version 1, implying there may be more to follow.
Okay, I am sorry if I am being repeditive but I scanned this thread and could not find some answers so here are my questions:

1) I am not rooted and I did the 2.1 OTA. It started out laggy then after a few app updates the performance of the phone seemed to improve. However, over the last week, the performance has gone down the toliet. I have removed most of my apps, I have done batter pulls and finally did a factory reset and yet my Droid does what it wants. It shuts down, its laggy, I get loud static and screaching when trying to place a call, my screen is not responsive and last night my camera started only taking half pictures. And it is not just my phone, yesterday, my husbands started doing the same thing and he has no downloaded apps. He is as stock as they come. Overall since the 2.1 update, my Droid has sucked. I

2) Yesterday, I downloaded K-9 thinking that may help with some of my issues with the stock email app. I got it downloaded and my emails installed. That seems to be working right, however, I noticed it changed my LED light to Magenta. I have looked and looked and cannot find where I can change it back to green. Does anyone know how to do that?

Okay, there are my questions and rambles. Sorry if this has already been covered, just a bit frustrated at this point.

Well if you've already done a factory reset, and you aren't rooted or overclocked, i'd take it verizon at that point. I'm not sure what else you can do. As for the K-9 mail, it shouldn't change the color of your LED. I have it and it doesn't. I don't believe there is even a setting to do so for K-9. Perhaps its another application thats changing the notification LED color....

Yeah I figured, but I am not about to give Verizon a chance to screw me over with a refurbished phone when I bought mine new and it was running beautifully before the 2.1 update. Its their software update that screwed my phone up not hardware. Totally ticked with the 2.1 update. I have not experienced anything good about it. I really wish I could go back to 2.0.1 as that one was running great. I went from loving my Droid before the update to being totally frustrated with it now. Nothing works smoothly, it force closes all the time now. I have had to dump all my apps and widgets to see if I can get this thing to work and it doesn't. Its just totally frustrating and depressing.
I suppose you could always try a manual "force update" that some of us did, thereby possibly overwriting corrupted files and possibly fixing the issue your having. I don't know if it would fix it or not, I don't imagine it could make things worse. Lots of people did the "force update" to get the update early, so its safe. There is a thread that tell how to do it. Its pretty strait forward. If you are not familiar with this procedure and woulld like to try it, i'll dig up the thread.
Watched a Youtube video and coming out of it back to home screen got a screen freeze, my wifes Eris flies compared to the Droid, even with the old 2.0.1, say what you will the Droid has lost its speed from 2.0 .
Reminds me of a Linux desktop when you are running in VESA mode without proper graphics drivers.
I am still trying to figure out why so many apps have to run in the background. For some reason, an application is opening 3 or 4 instances of "Voice Search" at a time, followed by YouTube and FB... something is running down avialable memory to 19MB, once I kill all running tasks, it goes up to about 44MB, and if I tap "Kill All Apps" a second time, available memory goes up to 67-72MB. I have rid myself of several apps that were redundant, got rid of Slacker, Pandora, Last.FM and Iheartradio. Not sure what is causing this, but it has only been happening since the update to 2.1.
I am still trying to figure out why so many apps have to run in the background. For some reason, an application is opening 3 or 4 instances of "Voice Search" at a time, followed by YouTube and FB... something is running down avialable memory to 19MB, once I kill all running tasks, it goes up to about 44MB, and if I tap "Kill All Apps" a second time, available memory goes up to 67-72MB. I have rid myself of several apps that were redundant, got rid of Slacker, Pandora, Last.FM and Iheartradio. Not sure what is causing this, but it has only been happening since the update to 2.1.

I use task manager by rhythm software.. you can auto kill things whenever the screen is black it does the deed.... or you can kill manually, or let things run free.. you have total choice between allows which apps you let do what.

Some apps behave themselves and don't turn on unless you active them, while others think they are supposed to run all the time regardless if you use them once a month... other apps "like the new gallery" doesn't work well if you kill it.

I agree, I feel like they are exploiting the droid for means to advertise... they try and put thier product in front of your eyes as much as possible or they want to monitor your moves as much as possible.

Seems they forget who owns the phone..... auto kill fixes all that.
gallery fc happens to me also but only if i hit back too may times...just hit home or only hit back til you get to first page of gallery... if you go too far its the point of no return or force closes... hope this is not really old info for you but i am new
Does anyone know of a free app to view porn? I had two differant ones,tic tac toe,and one called hot girls.both worked for a few days then wanted money
Warning...careful on answering Anthony23's post. We don't mind you answering but no links to paid apps for free.
Does anyone know of a free app to view porn? I had two differant ones,tic tac toe,and one called hot girls.both worked for a few days then wanted money

What kind of porn are you looking for? I did a search in the market on tic tac toe and was amazed at the number of tic tac toe games in there, but didn't find the app you were talking about. I did a search on hot girls and it brought up a bunch of apps that just showed different pictures. If that is all you want then just use the browser, go to google images, and type in what you want to see and it will return a ton of picutres. If you are looking for movies you may have to wait till flash is available. Then sites such as youporn may work. Sorry, don't know of any apps to do it.
Having a couple issues with the 2.1 gallery:

1. After I download a new image (from a txt or the web) it does not show up in my gallery for quite some time.

2. Intermittently, some of my photos in the gallery will be flipped sideways. For no reason.

Anybody else?
I'm trying to manually update my phone to 2.1 because I still haven't received the OTA. I turn my phone off and turn it back on holding down the X button. But when it loads it just shows the Moto logo and keeps rebooting. Any ideas?