Having Trouble Copying Files to Galaxy Nexus From Computer Via USB

Okay, so I guess I am having problems with the drivers after all. I tried installing the drivers from the samsung website, but it keeps failing for the MTP driver.

Windows 7 x64. Any suggestions? I really need help with this....:mad:

EDIT: FOUND THE FIX!!!! Sweet. I figured out that my drivers were not saved in the correct location. Here's what I did.

1. Download the driver from the Samsung website.
2. Place the driver file in the following location Computer\\D:\\drivers\\Audio\\W7-64

When I placed the driver in that location, the driver downloaded successfully. I then tried copying over some pictures and it happened literally instantaneously. Hope this works for others as well as it did me!

The D drive for me is my DVD player, I am assuming that you installed it on the main OS drive, C:\? Also are you creating the folder drivers\Audio\W7-64 or is that a directory that is already present on the system.
I'm having similar issues. A few days ago, I had no issues copying files. Today, no matter what I try, I can see the files, but I cannot copy files from or to the Nexus.

Rebooted my desktop, rebooted the Nexus, no change.

And this is from a Linux box, so it's not an issue of windows device drivers.

I can push files via adb, no problem.
The D drive for me is my DVD player, I am assuming that you installed it on the main OS drive, C:\? Also are you creating the folder drivers\Audio\W7-64 or is that a directory that is already present on the system.

I own a Lenovo, so my D drive is D:Lenovo. The folder already existed, not sure how I found it. I will post later how I found it after work.
ahhh bugs. well im having the same problem using a ROM after doing a factory reset and still fail on vista 64 (iknow). its still failing..

ill go to copy, in MTP or PTP, and just hangs there ...sometimes i get to press skip or skip all :(

edit: i cant rename a folder i created in windows on the phone in DCIM folder or download :/ maybe it has to be mounted as all read/write?:blink: to properly copy stuff from windows to phone (any directory)
after trying all of the suggestions here - including switching to the rear ports on my Win 7 x64 PC - this issue is resolve - (though not an ideal "fix"):

- def now I can copy all file types with zero issues IF - I copy files / folders into the ROOT of the device .

- if I copy into subfolders, it just hangs though a couple of times I was ablesuccessfullyully copy a few files

- what's annoying though - VERY ANNOYING - is that this means that I have to insteusing mysingmy PC for file / folder management , I will have to use Astro or another app and arrange files / folders instead of thru the PC which is MUCH easier and my preferred method.

What's WORSE though than this issue - for the 3rd time , I've lost my data connection - completely (3G CDMA only area). This same issue occurred with the Bionic which I promptly returned in September for a Sprint trial and Galaxy II , Epic Touch 4G which we LOVED but Sprint's 3G network was under 100 kbps around here.

So far - it's only been less than 24 hrs but I much prefer the ET4G:

- screen while rez is lower, the color is much richer (on the GNex, the blacks are gray, it's just sort of dull compared to the GS2 & unless the brightness is pretty high up it really looks bad where the GS2 looks well even at the lowest brightness levels)

- the speaker on the ET4G is much better (very weak on the GNex which I knew & thought I'd play with diff apps / sound files / Volume + and hope for an update

- the phone gets super hot, not just pretty hot, but really hot

- this nonsense with only being able to copy files into the root of the device via MTP is not ideal (perhaps this is only a Win 7 x64 issue, seems others can move files around all over within the GNex?)

- With the virtual buttons & the search bar at the top of ALL home screens - there's LESS available space than the 4.5" screen ET4G (in fact I bought a Razr for my wife yesterday as well & the usable screen size is almost near the same on the Razr <Google Nav or Speed Test for example, not much more space / usable area / larger items on the GNex than the Razr, with the larger display on "paper", you'd expect more usable area>

- Taking only a few pics (as I knew the camera on the GNex is suspect at best) , def the ET4G is superior in that regard, didn't try videos but staying really still and taking 5 - 6 pics I was able to get a single decent pic (compared to a great shot on the 1st try with the ET4G) ,sharperRazr's camera is shapr but colors dull, didn't mess with it much

- Trying to watch a video on YouTube the speaker is so low on the Nexus , it's not really practical (Razr is louder than the ET4G)

I can't take the non removable battery with the Razr and for that reason didn't want to get one for my wife - but there's not much else out there to choose from , maybe the Rezound.

I don't see myself keeping the GNex past 1/15 unless the data connectivity issues are totally resolved at the least.

Frustrating to say the least. I WANT to like this phone but man, there's just so many items when the GS2 , all but Sprint's service , I've loved it from the start.

Christmas 3-D (10 cent app sale from last week) Live Wallpaper on the ET4G looks so much better though it's not as hi-rez as on the GNex, the colors are so much richer on the ET4G and the scrolling so much smoother. The hi-rez GNex , the frame rate is choppy and the colors dull. I hope this can be optimized or is it a h/w limitation? (the CPU / GPU can't push around the hi-rez content smoothly?)

Anyway, sorry to add info to the "fix" of the file copy issue - but after wasting over 1 hrnotificationg to begin to copy ringer / notifcaitn files to the GNex and seeing so many people with issues , I had to share my solution. So far , I've copied a few GB of files / folders - all computer root (select the GNex in "my comptuer", then root of "internal storage" - the files copy into it each time.

Anyone know is this a Win 7 / x64 issue or MTP limitation etc? I hope it's correctable (so that we can copy files / folders from the PC to any location within the GNex, use the PC to tidy up folders / files on the GNex) .

Thanks for starting this thread.
ok well i guess i got it working ok from computer to phone BUT phone to computer is total ****e laggy unresponsive doesnt work:angry: force closes in windows (end process)

i have a 5 1/4 '' floppy drive working faster ! :0
OK I never had the issues mentioned by so many here originally. Copied tons of stuff from my computer to the phone. Did have a slowness issue that I solved using a different USB connection. Copied videos and music - no problem. Today tried using camera a bit for first time really. Decided to put on a few of my old shots from my other phone. First one I put into the camera folder - using MTP - no problem. Would not copy a second file. Changed to PTP and tried to copy to photo folder to see if there was a difference. One, exactly one worked. No more ever. Got error message telling me I was possibly not allowed to copy to/from this device! WTF??? IF this continues I will have to return a device I love. This built in sdcard appears to be giving everyone problems do to faulty software/drivers. This needs to be fixed NOW!

OK somewhere I located a solution that appears to always work! No changes to anything required. I tried in MTP mode so don't know if it works in PTP. You apparently have trouble (freeze etc) copying to open pictures folder. DO NOT OPEN IT! Drag and drop pictures on top of folder. Copy immediately - no lag, no fuss!!!
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OK I never had the issues mentioned by so many here originally. Copied tons of stuff from my computer to the phone. Did have a slowness issue that I solved using a different USB connection. Copied videos and music - no problem. Today tried using camera a bit for first time really. Decided to put on a few of my old shots from my other phone. First one I put into the camera folder - using MTP - no problem. Would not copy a second file. Changed to PTP and tried to copy to photo folder to see if there was a difference. One, exactly one worked. No more ever. Got error message telling me I was possibly not allowed to copy to/from this device! WTF??? IF this continues I will have to return a device I love. This built in sdcard appears to be giving everyone problems do to faulty software/drivers. This needs to be fixed NOW!

OK somewhere I located a solution that appears to always work! No changes to anything required. I tried in MTP mode so don't know if it works in PTP. You apparently have trouble (freeze etc) copying to open pictures folder. DO NOT OPEN IT! Drag and drop pictures on top of folder. Copy immediately - no lag, no fuss!!!

IT WORKS! You are the man!! :beer2:

*edit (if you are in fact a man!)
Neither solution works for me, copying to the root or an "unopened" folder results in the same thing, a long wait, followed by bitter failure.

Ima thinkin there's a bug somewhere...
This is driving me crazy. all the different fixes etc. Now I am just annoyed. Got my Gnex all set up the way I wanted, now want to flash to new rom. Cant copy all my files to my computer. GRrrrrrrrr. Will keep trying and keep an eye on this thread.

This is the 2nd thing I don't like about my Gnex. (first being non removable search bar... To be fixed with different rom) and now file transfer..... Oh well much shorter list of dislikes than other phones I have owned :)
Whatsinaname did you try Nova launcher to rid yourself of the search bar? Also have you tried to use Wifi Explorer our Wifi File Transfer to get files from phone to computer? I think there is another wireless transfer program in addition to these two.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
File Transfer

Whatsinaname did you try Nova launcher to rid yourself of the search bar? Also have you tried to use Wifi Explorer our Wifi File Transfer to get files from phone to computer? I think there is another wireless transfer program in addition to these two.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

I have not tried nova launcher. search bar not a big deal at the moment.
I do have a wireless transfer program... WiFi File Explorer Pro that I got from amazon as a FAOTD. Haven't tried it yet.

I mostly want to get the wired transfer to work because it bugs me :) lol. Its the only thing that didn't just "work" on my new phone (or as I call it, "my precious")

Merry Xmas!
Meh, wifi file explorer will work, but the amount of data I am moving (like 15 gig) will take forever..... Hope I can figure this out.

Ok, 1.7 gig transferred, said it was done, but then the zip file on my computer seemed corrupted. Oh well. Not worth worrying about now. Will work on it more later. :(
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