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Help!! I can open clockwork recovery but I can't boot Droid 1

@ em1, flashing a full .sbf file with RSD Lite 4.6 should ALWAYS be considered as a totally last resort. If the op couldn't have fixed with a backup, there were still many, many, many different ways to fix the phone without RSD Lite.

If it wasn't responding to ANYTHING past recovery, RSD Lite would've fixed it. I'm sorry if you don't see it this way, but sometimes it's easier to wipe and restart than mess with something and make it completely useless am unfixable.

Sent from the Milestone
Are you basing this on your knowledge with the Milestone? Because that is the only way that it is totally true. I am not saying that RSD Lite wouldn't fix it, but considering that RSD Lite is Motorola proprietary software as are the leaked .sbf files, if anything goes wrong there, then you can brick your phone to total useless state in a hurry and that is why IMHO it should be the last resort.

For the A855 Droid, if you can boot into recovery, there's tons of things you can do there to restore your phone, and NONE of them will leave a A855 Droid phone "completely useless and unfixable". Factory data rest, restore a backup, flash a different kernel, flash a different rom, just to name a few.

I am basing my knowledge off of a CDMA A854 (Which is a rebranded A855). I apologize, thought you were trolling me. But the reason why I said to sbf is because I tried all of your fix options on my Milestone when it bit the dirt. Unfortunately for me, even an sbf flash proved to not work. I'm not on the vzw network, I'm on ntelos. After flashing, my milestone would only recognize the Verizon network and I had to get it flashed back to the default software at ntelos. Thanks for not trolling :)

Sent from the Milestone
No I am not trolling and I hope you haven't taken my posts as any kind of attack on you. I just like to think that the person who comes later is going to read the whole thing and therefore hope to put out the most complete and accurate information as I can.

As I understand it the A854 and the A855 are still different in that the A854 has the hardware bootloader authentication (locked bootloader), therefore preventing a 'true' install of a custom recovery system, therefore the options are fewer with the A854 as opposed to the A855.
No I am not trolling and I hope you haven't taken my posts as any kind of attack on you. I just like to think that the person who comes later is going to read the whole thing and therefore hope to put out the most complete and accurate information as I can.

True. Didn't think of that.

teddyyearp said:
As I understand it the A854 and the A855 are still different in that the A854 has the hardware bootloader authentication (locked bootloader), therefore preventing a 'true' install of a custom recovery system, therefore the options are fewer with the A854 as opposed to the A855.

In most cases an A854 is different. But that's only the GSM versions. I have what they called an A854 but it's a rebranded vzw Droid. I'm on a CDMA network, running clockwork recovery, and installed bugless beast. It does not have a locked bootloader. As far as I know, all cdma milestones are "unlocked" at the bootloader allowing custom recoveries to be installed.

Sent from the Milestone
Well, if you don't have to use koush's boostrap program and could in theory install ANY custom recovery image, then I guess it is virtually the same as the A855.