HELP! Let's Save Libertys best Theme-EPIC BLUE N Bold!

Lol, why does my name have anything to do with it? If you want to know, friends and family members called me B-rad (Brad), probably from that stupid Malibu's Most Wanted movie. Then they called me B-Rad Swagger because I wear Old Spice Swagger deodarant and Old Spice Swagger body spray all the time.

I can't help it, lol.

Best deodorant on the market[/QUOTE]

I concur! But only if you aren't working hard. It wears off quick. I wear it any other time except while at work.
If you need help testing or porting this let me know. I know your d2 is gone but I have one, Im running an x, but the 2 is sitting here just collecting dust until my gf decides what she wants me to do with it lol

You know where to find me!!

Just send me the D2, problem solved :biggrin:

ANd man, did this thread go OT?!? No posts in here in forever, one post today to bump it, and we get to hearing about Swagger's Anti-stink!
Yeah sorry about that. The topic definitely derailed quickly :icon_eek: