New Member
Hmmm....can you go back to my post -
and let me know which part was confusing/needs more explanation and I'll try and expand on that....I think the only thing I left out was that you need to make sure your phone is in MTP mode (System Settings -> Storage -> (click on the menu soft key) USB Computer Connection -> then make sure Media device (MTP) is checked off (the rest will be un-checked once you pick MTP)).
OK, well, I have the phone set up exactly as you say.
If I type adb devices at the command prompt, I see a nice long number, and it identifies my device
1) I open an Administrator Command Prompt
2) I navigate to: c:\android\platform-tools
3) I type:
adb shell
4) System says:
shell@cdma_spyder:/ $
5) I type:
6) System says:
su: not found
7) I type: -o nw,remount -t yaffs1 /dev/block/system /system
-o nw
8) System says:
mount: Operation not permitted
9) I type:
adb push su /sdcard/
10) System says:
adb push su /sdcard/
error: device offline
11) I type:
cp sdcard.superuser.apk /system/app
14) System says
cp: sdcard.superser.apk: No such file or directory
1|shell@cdma_spyder:/ $
Now, if I exit shell and back to the command prompt, and try the adb commands, I get errors as well:
15) I type:
adb push su /sdcard/
System says:
3791 KB/ (380532 bytes in 0.098s)
11) I type:
adb push superuser.apk /sdcard/
3111 KB/s {1468798 byes in 0.461.s)
So, I tried:
adb push superuser.apk /system/bin/bin/
12) System says:
failed to copy 'superuser.apk' to '/system/bin//superuser.apk' : Read-only flle system
I thought it was strange to see two "//" so I tried it again as :
adb push superuser.apk /system/bin/bin
System said:
failed to copy 'superuser.apk' to '/system/bin/superuser.apk' : Read-only flle system
So, the only thing I was able to accomplish following your original instructions, modified, was to push SU and superuser.apk to the sdcard.
Which - I have to say, is more than I have accomplished so far - so, I'm getting somewhere.
Again....please do not let the outline nature of this post imply that I am frustrated, mad, sarcastic, or in any other way not completely thankful that someone has taken the time to read and reply to my post and is willing to give helping me get root. And, as a nOOB, what I will offer back is a STEP BY STEP instruction post - giving due credit to the OP, of what it takes to get root on a Droid Razr Maxx running 4.1.2 Jelly Bean (using the OTA that Verizon/Moto pushed out on Christmas eve.)