the only thing I did was download the superuser.apk and su to desktop and move them to the folder adb is in.Then ran the commands
adb shell
su if you don't get the # sign here it will not work.
adb push su /sdcard/
adb push superuser.apk /sdcard/
adb shell
cp /sdcard/su /system/bin/
cp /sdcard/superuser.apk /system/app/
then rebooted, ran voodoo and it asked for su permissions.then ran root check to make sure and all was good.
I'm not sure if this will work for anyone else.That's just what I did,but all apps that need root permissions are working and android tether is working.
Were you in JB 4.1.2 and then went back to .211? Even if you were or were not can you give me step by step info on how to get my Razr back rooted? I want to make sure I open and download the right files. I am now currently running an UnRooted JB 4.1.2 Razr!!:frown:
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