Asking tech support or customer service about upcoming releases (software or hardware) is basically the same as talking to a brick wall. They'll tell you the same opinions you already know. Even of they did know, they're prohibited from informing customers until the official public release.
To give you a very good example... I've been asking since Jan. when the XOOM is going to be updated to ICS and I've repeatedly been told late 2012. My most recent conversation was on June 3, when I was again informed late 2012. On June 4, XOOM was updated to ICS.
Whenever a VZW employee is asked, they're going to generally just give you the information off of Motorola's generic upgrade timeline list... and this happens to be more true with call center employees.
So here's the point... if you want accurate information about release dates, don't call VZW and ask an employee... spend a little time on Google and research it. Unlike employees for VZW, journalists and bloggers have better access to information and will inform you AS SOON as they receive new information. You can have whatever opinion you want about CNET, however they've proven they're amazing journalists who report factual information based upon facts and evidence. Considering CNET also said the XOOM was going to be updated on June 4, then I trust them when they say ICS will be pushed to the RAZR's today. This holds even more weight when you consider why ICS wasn't released in May, which was due to VZW's update servers having to be updated from ICS 4.0.3 to 4.0.4... and this has been confirmed from numerous sources. So by taking everything into account, you can make a fairly accurate inference.
But again, you're welcome to have whatever opinion you like.