Senior Member
just thought i would let you know crazy home is $3.99 and not free
ahh thanks...just fixed it. heh.

just thought i would let you know crazy home is $3.99 and not free
6. HELIX 1 (Free)
7. HELIX 2 (Free
16. ADW (Free for rooted users)
6. HELIX 1 (Free)
7. HELIX 2 (Free
16. ADW (Free for rooted users)
Ok, I cut down the quote to what kinda irks me a bit and perhaps I'm viewing the term "home app" a bit differently than others. To me a home app at least as this thread seemed to have been referring to is more correctly termed "home replacement apps" or just Home replacement.. whatever... anyways, while most of the list did fit in with that category, these quoted ones stuck out for me.
These are to at least my mind, App trays or launchers, launcher trays, menu launchers... whatever term you want to use. I don't find them to be home anythings. take for instance the helix launchers, those are launchers they are not home replacement apps like gde or panda home. they are not even in the same category.
sorry, had to say it, I notice a lot of threads with people bunching in launchers with complete home replacement apps and I don't think they should be.
I took a look at the Crazy Home lite, tried it, liked it. Gott the Pro version. four hours later my phone is caught up in an eternal Force Close and won't boot up. Anyone got any ideas on how to get past this thing and get my phone working again? Thanks....
I took a look at the Crazy Home lite, tried it, liked it. Gott the Pro version. four hours later my phone is caught up in an eternal Force Close and won't boot up. Anyone got any ideas on how to get past this thing and get my phone working again? Thanks....
You might be able to boot in the safe mode and clear the default. It's also possible to do that between the Force Close one button at a time.
Ok, I cut down the quote to what kinda irks me a bit and perhaps I'm viewing the term "home app" a bit differently than others. To me a home app at l
they all do the same thing they are an alternate home or replace the stock home in the users heart
whats the difference??
I thought that perhaps we can create a list of HOME APPS and what peoples thoughts were instead of it all over the place cause i am a big fan of these home apps and i am not rooted. So i figure between the people who are rooted vs non rooted people can give out their thoughts an exp, and what they could recommend. I notice that many NOOBS, that this is a big question for them too...and i may not be a NOOB but i am always looking for a great home app. Thanks.
So i will begin, listing what HOME APPS i know or heard about and will provide my own exp with it.
1. STOCK HOME - uh no for me...i need 5 screens
So far the most stable home screen. It is basic but only have 3 screens.
2. PANDA HOME - never used
You can theme your own home on your laptop. It is simple easy, but to cartoonish for me. It is a nice little setup though; it is not ready to be a primary home replacement IMO.
3. HOME ++ - I did like this home app, power strip, disable notifications,
Too many f/cs for me.
4. GDE - I just started to use this to see how it is. Its nice. very cool themes and probably the most entertaining out of all the homes apps so far in my own exp. Supports LWP, Bettercut support, but in the end what i am seeing, it lags too much for me.
Never used
5. SWEETWATER - Never used
Never used
6. HELIX 1 - this is my primary Home far, fast, LWP support, Bettercut support
So far; the king of home replacement apps imo. But it does lag and f/c every now and then
7. HELIX 2 - nice looking app, 3d app drawer is nice, decent speed and LWP support. Too slow for me tho.
Too unstable for me
8. CLOCKWORK MOD - overall a great app. i love the Navi buttons but does not support Bettercut and the Navibuttons take up too much space that could be used for a shortcut bar or something else
Never tried but heard it was very similar to HL
9. ZEAM - Never used (just heard about it yesterday)
It is still in the beginning stage. It has potential but so did Jamarcus Russell and Ryan Leaf. If the dev do something with it; then it could compete with HL IMO, if not then it will be a bust.
10. Crazy Home - Never used ( just heard about it yesterday)
11. Freedhome - it too has potential....but the dev have been listening to the folks on this forum. Just installed so I will see what it can do today.
So..this is real brief on my exp. But i just wanted to get it started.
I love the fact that we can customize our Droids to what we want rooted or non...and it would be nice to see what others thought on their own exp.
My input is in red.
I gave my description back there now Ima rank them.
1) Launcherpro: it works, it does not have the nice features as adw, but it seems to work smoother for me. Hands down, IMO, it is the best.
2) ADW: it is a good launcher that has better features and customization then launcher pro. I loved all the things I could do with it. I was having problems with pandora and slacker not working with it. I think it is just an isolated issue with me and a setting that I may have set that causes the conflict. Other then that this launcher is just as fast as launcherpro (if you change the setting to 0) with more features
3) Helix: This shows the growth of the android market. It was not even a month ago that this was the king of launchers. At the time it was the most stable of the home replacement apps. People was willing to overlook the lag because it was the best out there at the time. Now with launcherpro and ADW providing launchers that are lag free, this just make helix launcher seem behind the time. Helix is still a decent launcher and is well deserving of its #3 ranking
4) Zeam: Still in development. It is smooth, fast, and pretty stable. It is a slow developing app. Its not ready to be the primary home app but it is getting there.
5) Freed: The one time I played with it I was impressed.
6) Clockworkmod: Helixlauncher in a nutshell
7) Panda Home: It is stable and I like the fact you can theme it on your computer first. It is simple to theme. I wish we could theme other home replacement apps like it. It is too cartoonish for me, but its a nice simple home app.
8) Stock: Simple, bug free, stable. Only have 3 screens.
9) Home ++: to many f/c for me. 9-11 can easily be interchangeable IMO
10) GDE: With Launcherpro and ADW there is no need for these unstable home replacement apps. The only reason I see people buying these are for the themes.
11) Crazy home: Used once so I can not give a fair assessment. Removed after constant f/cs.
1. STOCK HOME (Free of course lol)
Its tolerable, stock Android
2. PANDA HOME (Free)
Tried it, laggeda lot so I uninstalled it.
3. HOME ++ (free) (official web page)
4. GDE (2.60 Euro)
Tried it, I like the app "list", and I like the way it scrolls through and continues to the otherside of the home screens. so you scroll from 1 through to 7 and back to 1, all in the same direction. Its a little intriguing, will be running some more to test it out.
5. SWEETERHOME (Free, there is a new version released 5-12-10)
SweeterHome - Start -
I've heard good things and will be downloading soon.
6. HELIX 1 (Free)
Haven't tried.
7. HELIX 2 (Free)
Haven't tried
8. CLOCKWORK MOD ($2.99)
Didn't know there was a clockwork home replacement
9. ZEAM (Free)
Haven't tried
10. CRAZYHOME ($3.99)
Haven't tried
11. FREEDHOME (Free)
Haven't tried
12. DXTOP (Free Demo and $2.99 Full)
I installed it, it looks interesting but very laggy. Changes your lockscreen to look more like iphone slide to unlock. Uninstalled due to lag.
13. OPEN HOME (3.99)
Tried it, its interesting. Wasn't necessarily laggy but did run a bit slower than other options. I liked some of its features, its scrolling app drawer is cool, will be using more to test other features as well.
14. TAG HOME (Free)
Been using this for the past day. I REALLY like how it organizes the app drawer, with its "TAGS", you can apply tags to apps. When you open the app drawer, it has a scrollable "tag slide" on the bottom like a "tab", that automatically sorts by those tags. its easy to create new tags and delete other tags. You can apply multiple tags to the same app so it can show up twice, if you want (like I have the Android Market under Google apps and "Market" apps-I have multiple marketplace apps on my phone). Otherwise its the least laggy of the "other" home replacement apps.
15. SLIDESCREEN (Free Beta or $6.99)
Larva Labs - Slide Screen for Android
Tried it, its radically different. I'm not even sure how to open up apps from it (couldn't figure it out I guess). It seems like the "Today" screen from Windows Mobile (not Windows Phone 7) phones, where a lot of the updateable information is viewable, from calendar to twitter to email. Its like a completely customized homescreen widget that takes up your whole screen. Not really my cup of tea but I can see its appeal.
16. ADW (Free for rooted users)
This is one of the two "main" home replacements that seems to be the more popular here on these forums (the other one being LauncherPro) This is my launcher of choice. I love its customizations (and yes those that tout many features of LauncherPro, ADW has many of those same features now too, like WYSIWYG Widget Resizing, hidden app drawer, swipe actions, multiple icons per row/column (I have mine set for 5), app drawer categories (almost like tags in taghome), THEMES!, custom icon support, scrollable widget support, icon notification# support (like 5 unread messages, etc...), and more. At the end of the day, I always come back to ADW, its very smooth and sleek. Those that say LauncherPro is more responsive just need to set the "flick" speed faster, and turn off transparent app drawer background, and ADW is just as fast.
Never tried
LauncherPro is another very great launcher, one of the more popular ones here, definitely comes in a close second to ADW, mainly due to the fact that a lot of the features only come with the paid version.