home button on vortex


New Member
Feb 9, 2011
Reaction score
hey all, my phone came up with a message that memmory was low so i cleared out a few things and now the home button on the phone doesnt work to take me home like it used to. this is the button with the house on it. it used to take me to my home page from where ever i was now it wakes the phone up but that is all. there has to be a place to adjust the setting for it i just cant find where it is. maybe some one can help me.
I am having the same problem. Did you ever get it fixed and if so how do I fix mine

~ Sunny ~
home button not working

hi, i had to do a factory reset on my phone. first back up all data and ringtones that you want to keep because it will all be gone when done. in settings go to privacy and then factory reset data and follow the directions. it took about 10 minutes and another 10 to get all my info back into the phone. if you are with verizon then use the backup assistant to save all of your contacts. hope this helps
I am having the same problem but my phone is flashed so I can't do a reste is there any other options
