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I'm not too fussy about cases..I have a silicon black case from verizon that I bought the day I picked up my x when iw was a real noob (lol). But I'm open to suggestionfor my next case. The last phone I had was from 2004 and I actually cited it to my belt like a boy!
I have the Droid X and I would get another one. I don't think we are going to see anything new on VZW for a few months. If you ask me it is the incorporation of the apple products that has all other new products on the back burner for Vzw. If you are in the market for a new phone and follow the rumors newer phones this year will mainly have a front facing camera difference from the DX. The phone is solid and a great upgrade from the D1. I say go for it.
I had the DC since release day but at this point I would wait for a new phone. I switched to a Since last week cuz I was getting bored with it and wanted to try something new. If I didn't know new phones were so close to release I would have stuck with the X
Ive had mine since sept and I love this phone. Rooted, rommed and OC. No problems. The phone size and thinness is perfect in my opinion. It will take a hell of a phone to get me to switch.
I bought an X last week on a one year contract. I also was getting tired of my D1. I was waiting for the Bolt to launch but gave up on that. The main problem I read about the X was random reboots. I've had 3 reboots so far. Otherwise the X is great. Right now the X is the only 4.3 inch phone on Verizon. I have to decide if I'm willing to live with random reboots. Or I could return it and wait for something else. Or I could root it and see what that does. So the X is great - but it isn't perfect.
The design of the dx looks so badass...every now and then I see mine on the table and I want to fondle it....get the thunderbolt...i know I am...but ill miss my sexy ass dx.
I went with the X rather than paying a premium for the T-bolt and not get the benefit of 4g. I really like the X so far. I'll get a 4g next if the coverage finally becomes more widespread.
Yes. On top of all the great things being said about the X, its also tough! Just as tough as my Droid 1. I work on a farm so my phones take beatings, and the X is still in perfect shape.
At first I wasn't sure it was a good upgrade from the d1 but after using it for a while and firing up the d1 to sell it I realized what a difference it is. I was fired up for the thunderbolt but realized that only a couple of things are a big improvement and my phone works flawlessly.
Here's my formula for a perfect dx. Rooted, Liberty 1.0, themed thru the toolbox, and the go launcher. I used launcher pro and adw too for a while. But when switched it out for the go launcher it has been flawless. I get fantastic battery life. With it original I was hunting a charger all day. Now I use it a lot and have 50-60% left when I get home. Only rarely do I run the battery down by the end of the work day.
Mines worked so well I haven't even moved to liberty 1.5. I didn't like the original blur rom but this setup leaves me thinking I don't need to upgrade for a while unless I just have to have the 4g for voice/data at the same time.
I just came from the D1 mid Jan. I grabbed a used DX on ebay and it absolutley smokes my old phone. I am overclocked and have a speedy rom but even before I did that the phone was way fast. I spent some time last weekend looking at review vids of the new dual core Atrix and my phone is right there as far as speed. I so love this phone!! :icon_ rocker:
Well I did the same thing... bought one on Ebay. I don't even have it yet, should be here today dancedroid, and I already have a rom and theme picked out. Now since I have a BB storm this will be a learning process but I have done lots of reading on this forum and pretty sure I will have little issues.
My only regret is that I wish I would have done the contract through VZ. I paid 305 for mine on Ebay last week and I could have saved some $$$. I don't care that much since I can upgrade when I want.
I love my DX I really do. I'm running Darkslide 4.2 and its just amazing. However there are two thingim not very fond of. I have been in the middle of composing an email or doing something important, and have had it reboot on me. I usually get one ot two a day no matter what ROM I'm using. Would that keep me from getting another? Yup. It would. Stability on all my devices and computers is paramount.
Another thing I like is gaming. While the X does play 90% of the games amazingly, there is still that 10%, and unfortunately those are the games I want to play the most.
Screen size is actually too big for typing. I am faster typing on a slightly smaller screen. But that's not to say I don't like the large screen. Maybe the Xperia Play will be perfect for me.