I've found that in general, maintaining a higher level of free memory than the Android's preferred 30-40MB really helps smooth things out. With about 70MB free, Droid really flies at 1Ghz on BB. The 256Mb system ROM is Droid's biggest Achilles heal. Should've been 512; you can probably point at Verizon's value engineering for that one...
Now if only I could find a way of setting a way prevent Android from pre-loading some apps into memory without having to reinstall Startup Auditor. Yesterday I noticed Android had pre-loaded PDANet of all things, an application I RARELY use and will uninstall anyway since I have wi-fi tether.
Autokill functions are just sloppy since they take system resources. Too bad autostarts doesn't have a feature like this.
Someone chime in if they know of a way to do this via ADB.