how to edit new "listen to" voice action feature?

Hey guys,

This isn't ideal, but I've made a small app that forwards 'Listen to' commands to the stock music player as search querys.

It works for Artist and Album names, but not so well for track names..

It's a little comfort until Google refreshes the stock music app.

You can get it on the Android market here:

Listen To - Android app on AppBrain
You can't change this, there's a list of 5 approved apps. If you have more than one it asks you, only one it defaults. Rhapsody for example, which has an unlimited catalog, is not on the list.

Not having the internal player is dumb but would require indexing the names I guess. Not sure ?

You can listen to music from your local library using my app Choice Dialer (available in Free and Paid versions on Android Market).

It supports commands like: "Play music by the Beatles", "Play music from Abbey Road", "Play the song Something" in addition to general voice dialing.

It works with Android's stock music apps on:
1.5 -> 2.2 (2.3 will never work, owing to a closed interface)

It works with HTC's stock music apps on:
1.5 and 1.6 ... 2.x is unknown, and I'd like feedback

It works with the free "Cubed" music on all Android versions.

It can work with others if passionate users ask their developers to work with me. There is developer-friendly information on the general model here: Choice Dialer Music Interfacing
