Hey guys, I've been reading this forum and using it as a reference since I got my X at the end of August.
I've read this entire thread, every post, and no one seems to be describing the same issue that I'm having regarding double notifications. I realize it's a couple months old, but it's still a very similar issue, and if this thread isn't already stickied then having it back at the top of the threads list won't be a bad thing anyway!
It happens unpredictably, but it seems usually after my phone has not been actively receiving texts in the past [some amount of time]: the first message I receive will come through twice. By this I mean, Handcent SMS reports 2 new messages from the same user, yet they are identical. I've completely unchecked every option in the stock text-messaging app, and Handcent SMS is configured like this thread suggests (retrieve message settings->handcent deliv. report, auto-retrieve, roaming auto-retrieve, and self-check are checked off).
So, my stock app is not getting duplicates--that has been fixed. Handcent is still claiming the user is sending the same message twice though, but they aren't as it happens with every user on the first text after my phone hasn't been texting in a bit. I can't reproduce it at will... it just happens. If I get a text from someone, reply, and maybe dont get another text until the next day either from them or someone else, it'll (usually) show the message twice in handcent and my phone's text notifications go off twice (vibrating and sound). I KNOW it's from handcent, because the vibrate patterns are unique to only handcent (I have customized vibrate patterns depending on the type of person texting me and their relative importance). The messages are delayed by a few seconds apart from each other when they appear as doubles like this.
I know I've been redundant in this explanation but hopefully it helps convey my problem.
Anybody have any idea or also experience this?
I have no other texting related app installed to my knowledge (except for an SMS scheduling app I installed tonight, but this issue existed long before tonight).