"I take it your a VZW employee?"
Well, I manage a retailer that sells VZW, and I have done so for the past 5 years. I think I know some of the ins and outs of VZW's loopholes.
I am condescending because I am tired. I apologize for referring to you as a troll. I am sorry that Asurion has not updated their website to reflect changes that have been made to the current brochure that I hand to customers on a daily basis. It is available at VZoneaccess if you have authorization to check the collateral material ordering website. I just ordered 200 more of them this week.
Finally, I apologize for trying to help a kid who obviously accidentally effed up a phone that we all know and love and brought us all to droid forums anyway.
I feel sorry for you people who simply say "tough cookies" to someone who comes here for help, because you have likely learned that antisocial behavior by never having a helping hand extended to you, and that's sad. As a community we should be trying to help one-another out, rather than quibble and spat over the mundane. IMHO
Too all still reading, have a good night. (For super-cereal this time)