I also have HBOOT .98
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\>cd vwhk-12102011-c
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>cd tools
C:\vwhk-12102011-c\tools>cd win
C:\vwhk-12102011-c\tools\win>adb devices
List of devices attached
HT14DMA08103 device
'hack-vivow.cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\adb.exe copy tools\win\adb.exe C:\
1 file(s) copied.
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\AdbWinApi.dll copy tools\win\AdbWi
nApi.dll C:\Windows
1 file(s) copied.
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\AdbWinUsbApi.dll copy tools\win\Ad
bWinUsbApi.dll C:\Windows
1 file(s) copied.
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\fastboot.exe copy tools\win\fastbo
ot.exe C:\Windows
1 file(s) copied.
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\sleep.exe copy tools\win\sleep.exe
1 file(s) copied.
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell rm -r /data/local/tmp/*
adb server is out of date. killing...
* daemon started successfully *
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb push zergRush /data/local/tmp/zergRush
2071 KB/s (21215 bytes in 0.010s)
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb push misc_version /data/local/tmp/misc_version
15 KB/s (15837 bytes in 1.000s)
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/misc_version
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell /data/local/tmp/zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00017118
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[+] Zerglings found a way to enter ! 0x10
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Trying a new path ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Trying a new path ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Trying a new path ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[+] Zerglings caused crash (good news): 0x401219c4 0x0054
[*] Researching Metabolic Boost ...
[+] Speedlings on the go ! 0xafd26019 0xafd39ee7
[*] Poping 24 more zerglings
[*] Sending 173 zerglings ...
[+] Rush did it ! It's a GG, man !
[+] Killing ADB and restarting as root... enjoy!
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>echo Sleeping 10 secs while adb restarts on the device....
Sleeping 10 secs while adb restarts on the device....
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>sleep 10
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell /data/local/tmp/sh -c '/data/local/tmp/misc_version
-s 2.18.605.3'
--set_version set. VERSION will be changed to: 2.18.605.3
Patching and backing up partition 17...
Error opening backup file.
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb reboot bootloader
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>fastboot oem rebootRUU
< waiting for device >
... OKAY [ 0.160s]
finished. total time: 0.160s
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>fastboot erase cache
erasing 'cache'... FAILED (command write failed (No such file or
finished. total time: 0.000s
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>fastboot flash zip RUU_Vivo_W_Gingerbread_S_VERIZON_WWE_2.18.
< waiting for device >
sending 'zip' (292817 KB)... OKAY [ 47.861s]
writing 'zip'... INFOadopting the signature contained in this i
INFOsignature checking...
INFOzip header checking...
INFOzip info parsing...
INFOchecking model ID...
INFOchecking custom ID...
INFOchecking main version...
FAILED (remote: 43 main version check fail)
finished. total time: 95.066s
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>fastboot reboot
finished. total time: 0.156s
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\adb.exe copy tools\win\adb.exe C:\
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\AdbWinApi.dll copy tools\win\AdbWi
nApi.dll C:\Windows
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\AdbWinUsbApi.dll copy tools\win\Ad
bWinUsbApi.dll C:\Windows
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\fastboot.exe copy tools\win\fastbo
ot.exe C:\Windows
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>if /I NOT EXIST C:\Windows\sleep.exe copy tools\win\sleep.exe
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell rm -r /data/local/tmp/*
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb push zergRush /data/local/tmp/zergRush
1294 KB/s (21215 bytes in 0.016s)
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb push misc_version /data/local/tmp/misc_version
1405 KB/s (15837 bytes in 0.011s)
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/misc_version
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell /data/local/tmp/zergRush
[**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00017118
[*] Scooting ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[+] Zerglings found a way to enter ! 0x10
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Trying a new path ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Trying a new path ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[*] Trying a new path ...
[*] Sending 149 zerglings ...
[+] Zerglings caused crash (good news): 0x401219c4 0x0054
[*] Researching Metabolic Boost ...
[+] Speedlings on the go ! 0xafd26019 0xafd39ee7
[*] Poping 24 more zerglings
[*] Sending 173 zerglings ...
[+] Rush did it ! It's a GG, man !
[+] Killing ADB and restarting as root... enjoy!
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>echo Sleeping 10 secs while adb restarts on the device....
Sleeping 10 secs while adb restarts on the device....
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>sleep 10
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb shell /data/local/tmp/sh -c '/data/local/tmp/misc_version
-s 2.18.605.3'
--set_version set. VERSION will be changed to: 2.18.605.3
Patching and backing up partition 17...
Error opening backup file.
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>adb reboot bootloader
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>fastboot oem rebootRUU
< waiting for device >
... OKAY [ 0.150s]
finished. total time: 0.150s
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>fastboot erase cache
erasing 'cache'... FAILED (command write failed (No such file or
finished. total time: -0.000s
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>fastboot flash zip RUU_Vivo_W_Gingerbread_S_VERIZON_WWE_2.18.
< waiting for device >
sending 'zip' (292817 KB)... OKAY [ 47.875s]
writing 'zip'... INFOadopting the signature contained in this i
INFOsignature checking...
INFOzip header checking...
INFOzip info parsing...
INFOchecking model ID...
INFOchecking custom ID...
INFOchecking main version...
FAILED (remote: 43 main version check fail)
finished. total time: 105.758s
C:\vwhk-12102011-c>fastboot reboot
finished. total time: 0.152s