When I first saw this thread it made me think of the unthrottle and "3G tweak" hacks (which ended up netting ~5% increase in speeds, which is a joke) for the D2G. I was almost going to post a paragraph trying to dissuade anyone from wasting their time, but now that there are some who have doubts, let me say a few words.
This is mainly, I repeat, Mainly, a placebo affect. I don't have a bionic but I've read various times for my phone and others that these throttle files and values reset themselves, regardless of root, and you can't stop it if it does happen.
Also Verizon isn't "throttling" per se....a lot of your data speeds are relative to a huge amount of factors. Time of day, weather, signal quality (doesn't relate to bars btw...), amount of traffic in your area, etc. etc. I read a post where one of us has only used 1.4 GB and thinks he's being throttled, I assure you you're not and its in your head....trust me.
Just my (rant) 2 cents....I don't like people wasting their time for pretty much no positive benefit.
Then explain how when I did this my data speeds doubled, I am not claiming that you will get 5Mb down speeds, I am getting 2.5Mb on average, I believe that verizon does throttle le you on 3G when you are using 12+ GB but all this hack does is prevent throttling on the phone side not their side. This seems to work for some people and not so much for others.
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