The easiest way to deal with drivers is to install HTC sync. Then when sync is installed, go to the sync icon in your system tray, right click it and choose exit. You want the phone set to charge only when you perform these operations however it doesn't matter because your phone should be in the bootloader when you do this. Not booted into Android. So make sure you power down your phone(pull the batter), put the battery back in and hold power + vol down to get into the bootloader. Then connect your phone to your PC.
I'm still stuck. I tried installing HTC Sync as you suggested, but I'm having the same issue. When I opened up a command prompt in the platform tools folder, I could quickly pull up the S/N with the phone booted normally (in USB debugging mode). Adirected, I then disconnected the phone, pulled and re-inserted the battery, booted into the bootloader, reconnected the phone USB, then finally selected fastboot. Once there I entered the command to get the identifier token and it just said "waiting for device" for at least 5, maybe 10, minutes. I've attached a screenshot if it will help.
What's my next step?