it won't let me open the file i need though. I'm on step 7 which says:
Step 7
Navigate to where you unzipped the ZIP file and go to the folder you just created (For Example: If you created the folder in C:\Android, then you would type in Command Prompt: cd c:\Android).
The folder I created was named Root.
This is Step 8 and what it's supposed to look like:
Type in Command Prompt: fastboot oem get_identifier_token.
(just copy and paste this in the address bar)
This picture is like steps 7 and 8 together.
Anyway in the end it's supposed to give me this long list of numbers and letters and it's my token to unlock my bootloader. Since my folder is named Root that's what I've been typing
in in place of Android but the message I keep getting says: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." What I type in looks the exact same except mine says
Root where the example says Android and mine doesn't say Admin it says my name. Please help and I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense I tried to explain as best as I could haha :biggrin: