I'm finding this confusing. Been rooting and flashing two years now and CWR made sense (at least, to me). But Safestrap is gray-of-grays in my foggy brain. For example, I just did a non-safe backup as suggested, in case things went bad. Assumed I was supposed to go back to safe mode after the non-safe backup. But when I did, lost all the TiBu restores I'd done just recently ... and every action froze after successfully rebooting. Hashcode indicates I should have picked up right where I was at upon reboot after the non-safe backup. Maybe I should have been in non-safe mode rather then returning to safe mode before reboot? Hopefully there will be clearer step-by-step at some point, i.e. if everything crashed and needed to restore non-safe backup, would that be done from safe mode or non-safe mode ... and things like that. Get me a dunce cap, sit me in the corner, and make me write "I am not bright enough to figure out Safestrap" a thousand times, huh?