It seems that those in fringe areas need to get to Moto mostly....Good Luck and keep us posted ...
The best radios and antennas combination out there, bar none... Motorola.
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
It seems that those in fringe areas need to get to Moto mostly....Good Luck and keep us posted ...
The best radios and antennas combination out there, bar none... Motorola.
Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
On the One I can turn on and off wifi, BT, etc from the pull down menu, but with the Maxx I have to go to the settings first.
Well I just ordered a maxx so I can give it a try. I'm looking for a case to order now. I usually get the slimmest case I can find so if anyone has a suggestion I'd appreciate it. I know its kind of slim pickings! Even though Im going to order a case, I may end up going caseless. The phone felt durable enough to me at the store and I had good luck with my previous Motorola phones (droid 2, 3, x) with no case. They each took a few drops but the material showed little to no scratches. So has anyone gone careless a while and had luck with this phone? Thanks!
If you long-press WiFi or Bluetooth on the settings panel of the pull-down notification shade they will toggle without having to go into settings.
Everybody's needs are different, so it's hard to say which is the best phone at any given time, but I agree that the Maxx is a great phone. I love it.
I just got it today, figured Motorola would have finally put a full size calendar widget on the phone.
If Diztronic makes one I'd take a look ...I have the black matte for my Note 3 ..great feel and slim ..
N3 tapa
I have the Diztronic TPU case in matte black for my Droid Maxx and I love it. It's even better made than the previous versions (at least the Bionic version that I had). And only $10 at Amazon.
Hate to admit it but I'm getting almost as good reception with my G2 as I have with all of my Moto devices. And I am in a fringe area.
Tap'd from my G2
Hi all,Couple questions though -- Is the Gallery app "open"? One thing that really pissed me off about the Razr Maxx HD was that VZW killed the Gallery app's ability to view your Google photos from the app. From my understanding, it was intentional that Verizon did this. Is that still the case?
Also, is the vibe that the new Droid Maxx will get about the same treatment in terms of timely updates that we can kinda expect for the Moto X? Do we feel the the two devices will get updates (from Verizon) around the same time since they are so similar internally?
I don't know if it was Verizon that did it, because I think that the other carrier versions of the Moto X have the same issue, but the recent update to Google+ brought an app called "Photos" which can display both Google+/Picasa galleries as well as locally stored photos, so you can use that now instead.
The Droids received the latest OTA about 4-5 weeks after the first Moto X updates rolled out. That's reasonable to me, if that pattern continues. Motorola management insists that these phones will still be updated. Time will tell, but I believe them. At the Moto G launch event this morning, Moto announced that the X would start getting KitKat in "weeks". I really like the way that this new, Google-owned Motorola seems to be going.
Thanks much -- I have been debating between the new Maxx and the Moto X. Just depended on battery life.
Now the customized Moto X is $50 on Verizon. That's tough to pass up and really do feel it will get the battery life I need.
It's great having the choice on Android, but sucks having to MAKE the choice...![]()