New Member
to doug piston.....Actually better idea. Get into recovery and wipe data and cache and reboot first. See where that will get you. You will lose all text messages and contacts unless you have the contacts sync'd with google.
hi! i was wondering if you can help me. i have an incredible and i'm on my 3rd one now because they keep crashing or something. i'm not sure what happens cuz it's never exactly the same but they all seem to have had a tons of bugs. what eventually happens where i always need a new one is that it either shuts off itself or i tried to restart it and then it won't come back on. it gets stuck in a boot loop or something. it will start and go to the droid eye and then restart again over and over and over until i take out the battery. so i was wondering a few things. is there anyway to get my phone back to the way it was so that i don't lose everything?? i saw here that you told this guy that he would only lose text messages which is fine with me if that's all i'm gonna lose. but i didn't know if that was only cuz he was rooted or not. i'm not rooted. so is there any way of doing some kind of recovery mode so that everything comes back??? or at least almost everything?
also if i do get it back (or even if i don't & have to start over again :/ ) is there anyway of setting up some kind of recovery system so that if this happens again i won't lose anything like my settings, my texts, my text dictionary, apps on phone, etc.??? hopefully i didn't confuse you that much. i seem to be having issues stating what i really need/mean.