Oh yes that Tuesday event... No doubt concerning LTE, be it pricing plans or the Thunderbolt, or maybe both. Oh man that would be sweet if the Thunderbolt came out this Thursday, improbable, but it would be sick.
Though I am expecting we will find out if 4G is going to be affordable and uncapped. I imagine everything would stay the same since most people don't have 4G coverage and won't for years. I know Sprint charges $10 extra for WiMax on the EVO, but I for some reason think they won't be expanding their WiMax network much, so they just figure if you live in a big city, get WiMax, if not, you will never get it, so don't pay for it. I could be wrong, I don't keep tabs on Sprint.
I don't suppose anyone out there is interested in my Droid Incredible? Mint condition, comes with Seidio extended battery, which is awesome by the way, and the ESN couldn't be more clear. Is this against forum policy? I don't know. Does anyone care? Probably some moderators out there.