now what if you buy the phone else where lets say from ebay and activated yourself? Will you still be grandfathered in? or will they just change your next bill? because that is some bs if i've everheard any. I currently have the og driod and have been waiting for the tbolt to drop but if I have to have some tiered data plan that makes me want to just get the incredible or x before they start that.
First of all, tiered pricing date has not been announced.
Second, the release date of the TB has not been announced.
Third, if the device is released on or after the date the tiered pricing goes into effect, it won't matter if you got it from eBay, your parents, your girlfriend or boyfriend, it won't matter, you will be forced into a tiered data package.
Believe it or not, I'm in the same predicament as you are. I have 5 lines with the plan that all our lines have the unlimited data. I have the D2, wife and daughter have an iPhone and my son in law has a BB. If a desirable data phone doesn't come out before tiered pricing, I may not get the phone I want, and might be forced into an existing DX, Incredible, etc. But, again we don't know what's going to happen. 4G won't be available in my area for another 2 years at least. So, it's not the end of the world if I don't get a 4G device for another 2 year contract commitment. To me though, the DX, Incredible, etc. have pretty much served it's shelf life and if I get greedy and hold out for a smart phone and have to change the plan to tiered pricing, my phone bill will go up about $50 per month. Is it worth it to me to be greedy? No. I will look at the phone selection that's out currently before the tiered pricing takes effect and buy one of them instead.