Anthony Is So Fly
New Member
A few questions and comments from an excited, hopefully soon to be, one day or another...T bolt user.
1. Can the bolt be used without the 4G/LTE sim card? If so...that's their claw. If it can be used as a phone and data device on 3G without the SIM, they can sell/market it another way. If not...they've got a fight on their hands if they're going to charge a premium for LTE service in non-LTE areas.
2. I think they should grandfather unlimited data on the TBolt for two reasons. One, it'll give those who've been waiting for it a long time something to feel good about...and two, it'll give them a little better grasp on how much load/strain will be put on the network. A few LTE modems/USB cards out there do not put the strain/load on the network like thousands upon thousands of phones will. Or...for any original T Bolt owner, a soft cap after 5GB of data a month. You can have unlimited and full bandwidth up to 5GB, then it ratchets down speeds.
They will make more customers happy who have waited for this device and want to experience LTE first hand by giving in just a little.
Keep this LTE policy in place for 30 days upon the launch of the first LTE phone. Give the others a chance to get a phone to market in that same time frame to grandfather others users in....
I don't think it could run without the sim card if I remember what the guy from the wirefly video said :/
but I definitely agree with you on this
I also agree with Ilikemymoneygreen on this, it would be stupid not to sell a flagship unit nationwide ... that's discrimination! lol but also why not make an extra buck by selling it to everyone and let them keep their 3G unlimited data plan. *fingers crossed*
I don't agree with traveling to a 4G area, are you insane!? have you SEEN gas prices?! I think there is seriously one 4G area in Va and I'm definitely not driving hours to go use it

@It's Twix and also if you don't even have 3G in your area from Verizon what do you do? YOU SWITCH CARRIERS! , noone's that stupid to pay for something you don't have yet, especially 3G -->which in turn means Verizon loses customers/money
yes, my friend did pay for 4G(wimax) with sprint but he had access to 4G within the first couple months of it coming out so it didn't really make a difference
on the other hand, LTE takes time to roll out hince the project has been going on since '07
I agree with the toggle, I can turn on wifi/bluetooth/phone on my omnia so why would it be any different with 3G/4G with 4G handsets?
plus my friend's evo and girlfriend's epic have the feature, verizon would want to keep up with the competition yes?