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HTC Thunderbolt Release Date

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I will probably end up regretting this... Ill retract my bet for 1 million spacebucks this thursday, there is simply too much evidence pointing to that day as launch. Even bennnnn is saying that the data plan is going to stay the same:

"Well, looks like we'll be getting an unlimited plan after all." This, over on AC forums. I hope both of these end up becoming true!!!:)

I kinda hope it doesn't happen, cause what else are we gonna talk about, get aggravated about, have our hopes dashed???? :(

oh ho ho I'm pretty sure the HTC Pyramid which is rumored to be announced at the CTIA will definetly be DF's new topic of rumors. But HTC will of course have to announce the HTC Desire HD first. It will launch this later this summer in europe, asia, etc,. Then it will come here this time next year, and we will all be here screaming at big red for a release date yet again because weve been waiting on some dual core HTC goodness for a long long time. Yeah, the TB2 or whatever theyre going to call it, will bring much attention, but this summer will be interesting as well. Lets not for the DX2, dinc 2, revolution, stealth, the list goes on.......

I wont jump on another rumor wagon until its over the thunderbolt's successor, so I guess after this launches ill just be in the thunderbolt's "How to root" threads.:)

Does anyone know if Wirefly does 1 year contracts or is it only at Verizon stores?

historically they have strictly done 2 year contracts(and with their own ETF in ADDITION to big red's) and off contract. I would not expect any less this time around.

Does anyone know if Wirefly does 1 year contracts or is it only at Verizon stores?

And on that note - Is there anything I should know about purchasing through wirefly vs. going to VZW retail store? Is there a higher ETF? Anything else to worry about? Seems a no-brainer if they charge $250 (or less!) for the phone on a 2-yr.

Also - Does BB or VZW Retail do price matching? Can I print out a Wirefly price and walk in with that?

Does anyone know if Wirefly does 1 year contracts or is it only at Verizon stores?

Wondering the same thing.. I can do an early upgrade, but don't want the 2 year contract anymore. I bought the OG the day it came out, and was wondering if i can cancel my contract, pay the fee (it was only $175 then) and then sign a 1 year contract? Can I keep my number if I do that? If anyone knows, I would greatly appreciate it.

Does anyone know if Wirefly does 1 year contracts or is it only at Verizon stores?

historically they have strictly done 2 year contracts(and with their own ETF in ADDITION to big red's) and off contract. I would not expect any less this time around.

I'll just get it at Big red then. Thanks
oh ho ho I'm pretty sure the HTC Pyramid which is rumored to be announced at the CTIA will definetly be DF's new topic of rumors.

Too bad it's going to T-Mobile (rumor). I'll probably buy the Thunderbolt on a 2 year. By that time, Quad cores will probably be optimized. :D

I still think it will launch Thursday... there's been MANY things pointing to that date...

"Quantity in stock"
HTC rep on twitter
Supposedly new Verizon on twitter confirming
Wirefly pre-orders
HTC Equipment Guide confirming 17th
1 Mississippi... 2 Mississippi... commercial returning with coming soon back on their Youtube
Best Buy calling people reminding them of their pre-orders
Stores receiving Thunderbolt accessories (car dock)

Don't think we have much longer to wait guys! :D
I know its been posted but BGR is a pretty reliable source so I just wanted to show they're saying the same thing

Wirefly confirms ThunderBolt shipping on March 17th, pre-orders begin 3AM EST | BGR

Really stoked! dancedroid

so one of two things will happen by 12pm St. Patrick's day.

1. Hordes of drunken nerds will line up early to get their blunderbolts, and at least 1/3 of them will break them in a frenzy of happines.

2. Hordes of drunken nerds will commence to traveling en masse to big red head quarters, where they will commence to rioting and protest the blunderbolt's official delay to Christmas day.

either way we are going to be getting excited about something lol
Oh Dam after I spent 80 bucks on an Omnia 2 thinking the thunderbolt wont be here till june oh well I guess Im going to see if I can sell it on ebay or CL. can wait till Thursday.

Screen of my work cpu
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