Rumors are all saying that unlimited will last till the end of the year, and then start tiered across the board. Nothing substantiated on that as of yet.
Not quite what I've been telling people all along, but there's always been this issue of creating confusion with two different plans, but the bigger issue is they want people to upgrade. And that's why it never made sense to increase prices (and it never will, at least as long as 3G plans are available) early on with so few getting the service. But by year-end it supposedly will be available to 2/3 of customers.
Really, if they throttle you at 3G speeds what is unlimited LTE really worth (aside from no overages and data in a pinch)? VZW isn't dumb, I GUARANTEE if you're thinking of dropping home broadband you will be unmercifully throttled. And smart money is they will crack down on illegal tethering (some confusion over whether hotspot is a temporary promotion or for the contract).
Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I imagine this whole deal will be up in the air until they finally just drop all of the info to us. Definitely speculation until then.